Personalized Fleece Golf Cart Seat Covers

Prevent "The Agony of Da Seat!" 
          (too hot, too cold, too damp, too old...)

Fleece is the perfect material for a golf cart seat cover because:
  1. Fleece is easy care -- machine wash and dry!
  2. Fleece is forgiving -- abuse it -- I dare ya!  It keeps looking great!
  3. Fleece is thermostatic -- warm when it's cold outside, cool when vinyl is melting. 
  4. Fleece is portable -- roll it up and stash it in your golf bag, your glove compartment, use it as a shawl or lap blanket! (not to be used as a parachute)
  5. Fleece comes in many colors and patterns -- choosy dentists choose "Nemo"
I could go on and on... and I just might!

Here's the fun part:

Personalized Golf Cart Seat Covers
I will embroider your golf cart seat cover in block letters of your choosing.  Your names don't have to be "Patty & Steve"  or "Nana & Papa" -- I am that good!

The main golf cart seat cover design fits both gas and electric carts, with an enclosed elastic edge that circles around the siderails -- easy on, easy off!  No strings or zippers to contend with, and like I said earlier -- machine wash and dry.  I use quality materials, and will replace or repair item that does not perform to perfection (excluding above reference to use as a parachute.)

As this photo shows, I'm open to designing seat BACKS or even BACK seat -- seat BACKS... contact me for custom fits!  I'd love to do a golf cart seat back cover that's embroidered, where it could be seen from the fairway and not just before you sat down!


**Custom embroidered fleece golf cart cover           $30 (free s&h!)
**Fleece golf cart cover                                          $25 (free s&h!)

You may choose just about any fleece fabric color or pattern (I'll try my best to find it!)
any color thread for embroidery (if applicable) and I will Email a photo to you before construction begins to get your approval.

Payment via Pay Pal (unless other arrangements have been made)

This will be a great LADIES DAY item, not to mention Mother's Day and Father's Day!

For a limited time:
Promise to send me a photo of your golf cart seat cover installed and receive $5 off!!!